Fancy some good news? For this week only, we’re sprinkling a little magic your way! ✨

Add this listing to your basket, spend over 5 shiny gold coins on other weirdly wonderful goodies, and watch as this postcard ✨magically✨ becomes FREEEEEEE. Yep, zero coins. Nada. It’s our little way of saying thanks for being awesome! 💛

Don’t miss out! Your basket deserves a sprinkle of postcard magic!

Brightly coloured illustration by Katie Abey featuring a pink cat with fairy wings, an orange chicken, a crying mouse with a heart on its chest, a beetle on a leaf, and a cocoon on a branch. The text reads "Mystery Postcard, free over £5!" against a vibrant green, yellow, and pink swirly background. Quirky and fun, the design encourages embracing your weirdness.
Written by Amy Davies